Foods that Decrease Milk Supply

A lot of breastfeeding parents are interested in what foods can boost milk supply, but there are also foods that can inhibit milk supply. With the holidays upon us, we will probably be eating delicious foods seasoned with herbs that we may not eat on a regular basis. Some of these are known to decrease supply. Normal culinary amounts of these herbs are probably fine. If you are consuming larger amounts, you might notice a dip in supply. Many of these herbs are from the mint family, so being aware of any essential oils you consume or put on your body is helpful when breastfeeding. If you consume a lot of of these herbs or teas and have noticed your milk supply decreasing, you may want to consider decreasing your intake and seeing if it makes a difference.

Here are some of the foods you may want to be aware of

  • sage

  • peppermint

  • spearmint

  • parsley - antidotal

  • jasmine tea

  • alcohol - inhibits letdown, decreases production, and can reduce transfer due to difference in taste

  • cabbage when used on the body is thought to decrease engorgement but there is mixed evidence on this one

For the most part these herbs and foods are fine to consume in culinary doses, but if you are already having supply difficulties, you may want to take a little extra care to avoid consuming these. Enjoy the holidays everyone!!

If you are having difficulties with supply, I offer virtual support anywhere in the world. Get the help you deserve, in the comfort of your own home.

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