Bodywork Massage for Babies: Craniosacral, Craniosacral Fascial Therapy (CFT), Chiropractic, Osteopathy, and more. (2024)

Infant Craniosacral Therapy

What is baby bodywork and what does it do?

I see a lot of questions about baby bodywork (manual therapy) from parents want looking for help with their babies tongue tie. Baby bodywork is often recommended before and after a tongue tie release. There are many kinds of infant bodywork, and this post will describe a few.

Baby Bodywork

Baby bodywork, encompasses a range of gentle and effective techniques that can benefit your little one. These therapies include infant massage, craniosacral therapy, chiropractic work, and reflexology. Manual therapy can address various conditions in babies, such as muscle tension, head-turning preference, torticollis, cranial molding, tongue tie, reflux, colic, and asymmetries. Professionals who provide bodywork for babies include physical therapists, occupational therapists, massage therapists, chiropractors, and osteopaths.

Benefits of manual therapy

Depending on the type of therapy the benefits may differ somewhat. Some of these therapies are more calming and passive for babies (like massage) and some are typically more active (like physical or occupational therapy). Soothing techniques may address muscle tension, imbalances in the body, and aid in infant weight gain.

Types of Bodywork

  • Craniosacral therapy

  • Craniosacral Fascial Therapy (Gillespie Method)

  • Massage

  • Reflexology

  • Chiropractic

  • Osteopathic

Infant Craniosacral Therapy

One of my favorite methods of bodywork is craniosacral therapy (CST). I studied with Carol Gray in Portland, who teaches an osteopathic based craniosacral approach. I like that CST is that it is very gentle and that the baby is calm and relaxed during treatment. It’s safe for babies of all ages, even newborns. CST focuses on the bones of the pelvis, spinal column, and the bones of the head. It also impacts cranial nerve function. Another important factor that CST addresses is fascia. 

What is Fascia?

Fascia is a fibrous connective tissue. It is an interconnected part of the body that encases muscles. It is also integrated into other tissues. It also connects our muscles to our bones and runs from the top of our heads to our toes. Fascia is also what makes up the tissue of a tongue tie. The interconnectedness of fascia is why oral ties also affect the whole body. CST addresses the tension and asymmetries in the fascial system so that the body can move with better alignment and fluidity.

Craniosacral helps improve the flexibility, alignment, and movement of tissues so that they function better. This is why it can be so helpful to have manual therapy done on a baby before and after a release. It can also help a baby feed more comfortably post-release. Most babies will get benefit from 2-6 sessions of bodywork. When looking for a provider, ask if they took training specific to infants. Not all manual therapists have taken post professional training specific to infants, so it’s important to find out who the providers are in your community who can safely and skillfully work with infants.

Craniosacral Fascial Therapy (Gillespie Approach)

Craniosacral Fascial Therapy for infants is a specialized approach that sets itself apart from traditional Craniosacral Therapy. Unlike its predecessor, Craniosacral Fascial Therapy delves deeper into the gentle release of fascial restrictions throughout a baby's body. This unique therapy aims to alleviate tension and discomfort, making it particularly beneficial for infants with tongue ties. By addressing fascial restrictions around the tongue and mouth, it can aid in improving nursing and feeding difficulties associated with tongue ties, promoting a happier, healthier start for your little one. Discover the natural, non-invasive solution your baby deserves with Craniosacral Fascial Therapy.

Neurodevelopmental Therapy (NDT)

Neurodevelopmental Therapy for infants is a specialized approach that focuses on enhancing a baby's motor development from birth. This therapy seeks to optimize your infant's sensory and motor skills, promoting balanced body tension, flexibility, and strength. By addressing these areas, NDT can help improve motor coordination, sensory integration, and overall cognitive function. This holistic and nurturing approach helps your baby reach their developmental milestones, setting a strong foundation for lifelong learning and well-being.

Infant Massage

Infant massage is another gentle approach to nurturing your baby's well-being. Through the use of touch, infant massage promotes relaxation, bonding, and emotional connection between you and your little one. This soothing practice can aid in reducing colic, increase weight gain, improve sleep patterns, and relieve common discomforts such as gas and teething pains. Beyond soothing, infant massage has lasting benefits, enhancing your baby's physical and emotional development. It's a great way to create a strong and loving bond with your infant while supporting their healthy growth and development.

Baby Bodywork - Addressing the Whole Body

These treatment approaches can address various conditions in babies, such as muscle tension, head-turning preference, torticollis, cranial molding, tongue tie, reflux, colic, and asymmetries. Skilled manual therapists can help improve your baby's comfort, sleep patterns, feeding skills, and overall well-being. Whether it's through the soothing touch of infant massage or the gentle adjustments of craniosacral therapy, whole body therapies, offer a holistic approach to supporting your baby's development and promoting their optimal health.


Nurture and Nourish Services - Charleston


Nurture and Nourish offers Bodywork and Beyond

Are you interested in getting bodywork for your baby? I am trained in a variety of infant manual and developmental therapies that can improve regulation, balance body tension, and functional movement.

These include:

  • Infant Craniosacral Therapy

  • Infant Total Motion Release

  • Reflexology

  • Infant Massage

  • Infant Neuro-developmental Therapy (NDT)

  • Reflex Integration

  • DIR Floortime Method

  • Sensory Integration and Praxis Strategies

  • The TummyTime! Method

Do you think your baby would benefit from bodywork. Book a session below.

Baxter, R., Musso, M., Hughes, L., Lahey, L. L., Fabbie, P., Lovvorn, M., Emanuel, M., & Agarwal, R. (2018). 25. In Tongue-tied: How a tiny string under the tongue impacts nursing, feeding, speech, and more (pp. 225–240). chapter, Alabama Tongue-Tie Center. 

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