Baby Led Weaning

Have you heard of babyled weaning? Have you tried BLW? Are you curious about what foods you can introduce with babyled weaning? A lot of parents are interested this way of introducing foods but are also nervous about it. If you want to learn about the benefits of BLW, check out this post.

  1. Babies who learn to eat with BLW can regulate their own intake

  2. They learn to follow their own bodysense of fullness

  3. Babies are exposed to lots of different textures

  4. Babies eat more when they are allowed to play with their food

  5. Babies oral motor skills develop because of the need to move food around in mouth

  6. Chewing skills are learned sooner

  7. BLW babies breastfeed for longer

  8. BLW babies eat foods with greater variety

BLW babies are less picky about foods

If you want to learn more about infant feeding, check out Nurture and Nourish Services website. I serve North Mount Pleasant, SC.


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