Did you know that you might be pumping with the wrong sized flanges?
How flange size affects the amount you pump
Here is a throwback of me taking a phenomenal course on flange sizing. A lot of people don’t know they are using the wrong sized flanges for pumping. This is important, because if you aren’t using the correct size for you…you aren’t pumping as effectively or as efficiently as you could be.
This is especially important if you have a lower milk supply, like I did. It’s also so important if you are going back to work and need to keep your supply up. If you are pumping with the flanges that came with your pump, there is a high chance they are not the right size for you. Most moms actually pump better with a smaller flange fit. If you have questions about pumping or are not happy with your milk output, consider reaching out for help. I offer individualized flange sizing to make sure that you are pumping efficiently, effectively and comfortably!