4 Month Milestones

Babies develop on different timelines. Development happens on a continuum, so some babies will develop some skills earlier and some a little later. Here are some of the skills that are likely to emerge each month.

4 months

-interested in new settings

-smiles at mirror images

-May be able to roll tummy to back

-pushes up, lifting chest off of floor

-lifts head to 90 degrees

-can hold a toy and shake it

-swings at dangling toys

-may nurse more at night to make up for daytime distractions

If your baby hasn't achieved these skills It's not necessarily a delay, but If you have concerns that's a good reason to ask your pediatrician or get help from a pediatric OT or PT.

For more tips on infant feeding, infant development, and lactation, check out the archive!


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Occupational Therapy for Tongue Tie (2023)


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