Nurture & Nourish Services can help with

Development, Lactation, and Feeding Services

I’m a pediatric occupational therapist and a International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and I specialize in infants. I offer developmental, feeding, and lactation support.

It's common to not know what OT's do, because there are so many different specialties within our profession. I thought it would help to breakdown the services I offer in a series of posts. Nurture & Nourish offers help with milestones through play:

how and when to do tummy time, strategies to make tummy time fun and easy, rolling, sitting, crawling, social skills, and sensory regulation.

help with breastfeeding:

Newborn feeding, breastfeeding positioning, painful latch, breastfeeding a baby with a tongue tie, bodywork for tongue tie, pre and post-frenectomy intervention, infant weight gain, oral motor assessment and treatment.

Help with bottle feeding & introducing solids:

Infant feeding evaluation, bottle feeding positioning, when to start bottle feeding, choosing the right bottle for your baby, bottle feeding a tongue-tied baby, how to pace feed, bottle refusal, how and when to start solids, and adapted baby-led weaning

The Blog Archive

Nurture & Nourish

Baby Led Weaning


Signs of a “bad latch”